La Brand Concept is a multimedia / post production services company based in Hong Kong. We provide services for post production in all forms, including short films, feature films, corporate videos, documentaries, television commercials, TV dramas and music videos.
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You can now inherit Concept, attributes, sections, and even entire layouts from one outline to another.

Layout / Section Inheritance

Inheriting the customer's requirements for the entire story layout and various parts, our team can quickly create a perfect shooting angle. Let the story layout meet the customer's ideal requirements.

Client / Production team Inheritance

The Customer's, Directing and Screenplay can now be synced together, enabling you to easily manage content throughout your storyline and per post-production schedule.

Customer Communication

Idea are customizable blocks that form the front-end, from placeholders to self contained content and functions.
The Styles settings allows for customizing the stylistic elements of the template, such as links, font or background colors.
The Layout manager provides drag-and-drop functionality with power to move, resize, and configure content in seconds.

Meet the Team

Testimonial 1
We are very experienced on film, video production and creation. LBC has exceeded the expectations of our clients in the production of projects requested by the clients. This is great for us to establish long-term cooperation with our customers! - K.T. Lee
Testimonial 2
I like the members of the LBC team because every member of our team maintains excellent work performance. Our customers are very supportive of continuing to use the services of our team. LBC is a template for team workers! - Acka Chan
Testimonial 3
Customers are my friends! And I can't imagine life without them! Communicating with customers has really helped our business, and it has also established a good relationship between me and the customers. i am very satisfied with this outcome and I am happy to serve more of our clients in the future . - Toby Cheung